Welcome to Onwudebe and Associates PLLC.

Onwudebe and Associates PLLC is a legal firm incorporated in the United States and accredited by regulatory bodies in the practice of law. Our team is built to offer efficient legal advice and representaion in immigration, personal injury, business law and criminal defense.

We provide full-service professional legal advice and representation for immigration and visa needs. We handle a broad spectrum of immigration issues for individual and corporate clients. Our personal injury law practice comprises several aspects, which include but not limited to wrongful death, medical practices, accidents and injury at work place.

Our team provides comprehensive business advisory services, including guidance on all aspects of corporate and commercial law. Our criminal defense lawyers are astute, supportive and highly sophisticated, particularly known for their skills in providing strategic, sensible and practical criminal law advice.

Our Accreditations

We are glad to participate in continuous professional development. Some of our professional accreditation.

United States District Court

We are admitted to practice law in the Southern District of Texas.

State Bar of Texas

We are an accredited member of the State Bar of Texas.

Nigerian Bar Association

Called to the Nigerian Bar in the Federal Republic of Nigeria.